Mexican drug cartels.
Billions of dollars in illegal drugs are smuggled into the United States every year from Mexican Drug Cartels alone. This illegal Cartel activity promotes violence within American society, by allowing high stress, dangerous activity to occur without interference. Cartels also incorporate many American gangs and citizens into this massive drug trade, depleting resources of American economy as well as putting American lives at risk. Most drug smuggling happens between the American-Mexican border between undercover Cartel members or with the assistance of American gangs. Often, this activity goes undiscovered, which allows billions of dollars in drugs to enter the United States. Laws such as the Controlled Substances Act, regulates the possession, trafficking, and manufacturing of drugs within the United States. The actions of drug smuggling and consumption is not a new issue, nor will it ever be 100% contained, however, their influences on American society are illegal by federal law.
Within the Presidency of Vogl, our party plans to support strict land borders to reduce the amount of drug cartels in the long run. The government will provide protection and reduce the sales all over. In order to reinforce the federal law, penalties for drug consumption and trafficking should be increased, states should make drugs illegal according to federal law, and the boarders need to be highly monitored for drug activity. Higher fines and longer jail time must be reinforced by all states for the act of drug trafficking, possession, and consumption.